Welcome to Ihiala National USA (INUSA) forum. We are socio-cultural non-profit organization registered under Article 501c3 in the state of Texas with members of Ihiala town resident across the 50 States the United States.
Ihiala is a town of over 87, 000 people located in Anambra State in Southeastern Nigeria. The pre-eminence and the mystique of Ihiala is a town where patriotism and self-sacrifice are embedded in its values and culture. It is these ideals that INUSA is taking further and manifesting in its achievements.
Ihiala, through self-development has grown into an urban center. While the town has thrived in Education with over 21 elementary and high schools, its remarkable Health care facility such as Our Lourdes Hospital – all affiliated with strong foundation laid by the early missionaries of the Holy Ghost order of the Catholic Church and Immaculate Order of Sisters. However, maintaining the past standards and reputation of these institutions have been daunting tasks as these institutions are gradually deteriorating. INUSA has faced the task of improving these institutions along with lives of the people as * evidence of its accomplishments testify.
INUSA Members are true specimens of warm-hearted humanity who through their personal sacrifices and donations have truly proven themselves as the incarnation of the spirit of the generations of Ihiala whose patriotism and self-sacrifice are unequaled. In our mission, humanitarianism is added to patriotism, thus we have without distinction, personified Community Service.
The funding from state hardly comes and when it does, it is never enough. Thus, the sustaining of these institutions and the entire development – maintaining infrastructures and providing services rest mostly on the shoulders of individuals - through mandated billings, contributions and donations. Succinctly put, sustaining these institutions and the socio-economic development of the town have fallen completely into the hands of private organizations, and individuals such Ihiala National USA members and few other organizations/individuals like you. It is for this reasons that we are reaching out to you to also be that agent of change since it takes a village to raise a child. Individually, we can do it but together we can do it triple folds better.
All these challenges notwithstanding, like ideas that could hardly die, INUSA has in that spirit of the generation of Ihiala whose patriotism and self-sacrifice are unequally merged its vision and objectives into four Meridian Programs: Education, Health Care (Missions), Security and Cultural Awareness.
To ensure and guarantee their continuity under various administrations, the management of INUSA is guided by its Constitution and Bylaws. The prescriptions of these documents are our guiding principles in all we do. They ensured that INUSA operates under the law and under structured management principles, with policies that are sustainable over a long time and under any administration of the organization.